影片讲述了Albert Fish(亚伯特.费雪)这位美国历史上最臭名昭著的连环杀手的真实故事1928年,10岁的小可爱Grace Budd被一个看似慈祥的老头诱拐后失踪。在全国寻找了6年后,探员最终以拐骗儿童罪拘捕了亚伯特.费雪,但却不知该如何向公众揭露他们发现的令人发指的事实…… The shocking true story of Albert Fish, the most monstrous yet least known serial killer in the history of true crime in America. In 1928, the angelic 10-year-old Grace Budd is abducted by a kindly old grandfather and never seen again. After scouring the country for her for six years, detectives finally arrest Albert Fish for her kidnapping but are unprepared for the horrors they are about to uncover...