当今最富创造力的四位的恐怖电影制片人亚当·里夫金、亚当·格林、蒂姆·沙利文和乔·林奇联合打造的一部影片《Chillerama》近日发布了预告片凭这四个恐怖片的泰斗人物,这部影片也就相当值得期待。亚当·里夫金执导过《隐形狂人》,亚当·格林执导过影片《冷冻》,蒂姆·沙利文的恐怖片《2001个变态者》也被世人所知,而乔·林奇的《致命弯道2》更是恐怖片中的极致之作。《Chillerama》内容简介: 这部叫做“Chillerama”的电影由4个单元组成,从简集中看,《Chillerama》中的故事相当的多元化,故事围绕着巨人、熊人、多情的僵尸甚至与法西斯纳粹也出现在了预告片中。影片中还将会有多个其他电影的场景,诸如《X战警》、《黑暗骑士》和《黑色星期五》等影片。值得一提的是,在影片中的“青少年熊人”单元将采用音乐剧形式,导演兼编剧Tim Sullivan藉此向两部好莱坞老片致敬:“Rebel Without a Cause”(无因的反抗)与“Grease”(油脂)。两片中的多首歌曲将出现在“熊人”单元。 It"s the closing night at the last drive-in theater in America and Cecil B. Kaufman has planned the ultimate marathon of lost film prints to unleash upon his faithful cinephile patrons. Four films so rare that they have never been exhibited publicly on American soil until this very night! With titles like Wadzilla, I Was A Teenage Werebear, The Diary of Anne Frankenstein, and Zom-B-Movie, Chillerama not only celebrates the golden age of drive-in B horror shlock but also spans over four decades of cinema with something for every bad taste.